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nexcopy usb duplicator

Support: USB Copy Protection

Here you can find help and tutorials on Nexcopy’s Copy Protection software.

If you have any questions and are unable to find them here, feel free to contact us at (949) 481 6478.

Questions You May Have

What is the Copy Secure Wizard?
What is the PCViewer?
What is the Macviewer?
How to update MacViewer and/or PC Viewer:
Can the Copy Secure Wizard run on a Mac computer?
The Copy Secure Wizard application is not recognizing my drive?
The Copy Secure Wizard application is not recognizing my drive while using Windows in a different language.
The Copy Secure Wizard application is failing during the encryption process.
Error Message- You do not have an official copy of this document.
Can a PDF have Adobe security or a digital watermark on the encrypted drives?
What type of files will the Copy Secure drive protect?
My HTML pages are not displayed as expected, what can I do?
The CopySecure software doesn’t finish loading my data.
I cannot get my video files to play in PCViewer or MacViewer once the video is protected.
An unprotected PDF file will not print from PCViewer.
MacViewer takes a long time to display content on a Mac computer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What is the Copy Secure Wizard?

Answer: The Copy Secure Wizard is the data loading software a content owner will use to create a Copy Secure drive. The Wizard will encrypt the files, data load the drive and lock the USB to become a read-only device.

Question: What is the PCViewer?

Answer: The PCViewer is the Windows based viewer application to open and view copy protected files on the USB. The PCViewer runs from the Copy Secure flash drive. It may be required for an end-user to disable their anti-virus software to allow PCViewer.exe to run and files be viewed.

Question: What is the Macviewer?

Answer: The MacViewer is the Mac based viewer application to open and view copy protected files on the USB. The MacViewer runs from the Copy Secure flash drive. It may be required for an end-user to disable their anti-virus software to allow MacViewer to run and files be viewed.

Question: How to update MacViewer and/or PC Viewer:

Answer: A user can download the data load software used when creating a drive and can select an Option to update the MacViewer and/or PCViewer. This function is used when MacViewer or PCViewer no longer work as expected because of an operating system change or update. Nexcopy offers a highly secure copy protection solution; however, we cannot predict the future for how an operating system will work and function. The underlying code of an operating system has a direct affect on how the MacViewer and/or PCViewer application access the protected files and displays them. To update do the following:

Download the Drive Wizard software. This software (and ability to update the device) can only be done on a Windows computer. This is true because we must send specific vendor commands to the device, which is only available through a Windows operating system. Click here to download.

# Install the software on a Windows computer
# Launch the software and in the bottom left, click Options
# Select Update Copy Secure
# Click the Upgrade button to begin the process
# The software will perform the update automatically. Do not disconnect the drive until the program gives confirmation the update was a success

Copy Secure, Options

Copy Secure, Update device

Copy Secure update successful

Question: Can the Copy Secure Wizard run on a Mac computer?

Answer: The Copy Secure Wizard application uses commands which only run in Windows; therefore the Copy Secure Wizard will not run on a Mac computer.

Question: The Copy Secure Wizard application is not recognizing my drive?

Answer: If the Wizard application is not recognizing your drive than most likely there is anti-virus software which is running and blocking some functions of our program. Turn off any anti-virus software and try again. If that does not work, it is possible the drive you are trying to use is not a Copy Secure flash drive from Nexcopy.

The Copy Secure Wizard application is not recognizing my drive while using Windows in a different language.

Answer: The Copy Secure Wizard application is not a multi-lingual product. For this reason it is required Windows be in English for the application to work correctly. Below are steps on how to change Windows from one language into English. If your Windows version shows different options, please search for alternate directions on the web or Microsoft website.

Type language into the search bar of windows and select the Language settings option.


On the Settings page click the Add a preferred language option


Be sure to install the English United States version. Best to type this into the search box.

Once selected click Next and follow the instructions from Windows. A reboot is required.


Question: The Copy Secure Wizard application is failing during the encryption process.

Answer: If the Wizard application is failing during the encryption process than most likely there is anti-virus software which is running and blocking some functions of our program. Turn off any anti-virus software and try again. If that does not work, please disconnect your computer from any wifi network or LAN network and try again.

Question: Error Message- You do not have an official copy of this document.

Answer: Once the CopySecure wizard has completed encryption or resetting of the drive, make sure to unplug the device. This resets the drive’s registry entry and it will be operational as soon as it’s plugged in again. The most common cause of this error is attempting to open the Viewer prior to plugging out the drive.

Question: Can a PDF have Adobe security or a digital watermark on the encrypted drives?

Answer: Password protection or a digital watermark created by Adobe cannot be on a CopySecure device. This is an inherent incompatibility between two different encryptions. PDF files on each device must be clean with nothing external being applied to it.

Question: What type of files will the Copy Secure drive protect?

Answer: There is a large list of file types we support. Most popular are PDF, MP3, MP4 and HTML. For a full list of file types, please visit our product page (here).

Question: My HTML pages are not displayed as expected, what can I do?

Answer: Today’s HTML pages are mostly built from Java scripts. This type of method for building a webpage gets difficult once encryption is introduced into the equitation. For this reason, it is best to have a clean page with HTML that is written on each page rather than building a page from a script. We have provided working examples of HTML pages which you can download, review and change based on your needs. These example pages will give an excellent idea of what type of HTML page is best for a Copy Secure drive. Download the link (here). For customized layouts, make sure testing occurs on an encrypted Nexcopy drive and not a normal browser.

Question: The CopySecure software doesn’t finish loading my data.

Answer: Interruptions in data loading using the CopySecure software is most often caused by an antivirus process blocking the file modifications to a drive. To solve this, temporarily disable virus protection programs and firewalls. Users have also reported success with adding the CopySecure software to their antivirus program’s “whitelist” but this depends on each individual setup.

Question: I cannot get my video files to play in PCViewer or MacViewer once the video is protected.

Answer: Follow the tutorial below on how to properly encode a MP4 video file to play in PCViewer and MacViewer.

Set video codec to play in Copy Secure drive.

For best results with playback of video for Copy Secure drives in both Mac and PC computers we have determined the following:

It is recommended to follow these steps when preparing a video to be protected with a Copy Secure flash drive.

Download the FFmpeg .zip file from this Download Link

Step 1:

Extract the .zip file to a folder on your desktop.

USB Copy Protection

Step 2:

Copy your .mp4 video into the new FFmpeg folder and rename it “input.mp4”

USB Copy Protection

Step 3:

From within the new FFmpeg folder, hold the SHIFT key and right-click in the window to open a popup menu. Select “open command window here”.

Step 4:

Copy and paste the following text (excluding the quotes) into the command line window and press enter: “ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -movflags faststart -acodec copy -vcodec copy output.mp4”

USB Copy Protection

Step 5:

After the command, there will be a file in the FFmpeg folder named “output.mp4”. Rename this to your desired name and use it in place of the old file when copy protecting.

USB Copy Protection

Question: An unprotected PDF file will not print from PCViewer.

Answer: Microsoft can change security settings in the operating system during OS updates. If you are having issues printing a PDF file an Adobe setting must be updated. Do the following to disable the Protected Mode for Adobe Reader.

Open Adobe Reader and under the Edit menu select Properties.


Find the Security (Enhanced) option and click. The top left check box should read Enable Protected Mode at Startup and disable this setting.


You will be prompted to close Adobe reader after the change.


Question: MacViewer takes a long time to display content on a Mac computer.

Answer: Copy protected content is placed inside the MacViewer application as the storage location on a Copy Secure drive. This is done to keep the user interface very clean and simply when a Copy Secure drive is plugged into a computer. The user only sees two things: The PCViewer file and the MacViewer file.

A side effect of this approach is the Mac operating system will scan the MacViewer application upon first connection. If the data load is large (over 2GBs) the amount of time to scan the MacViewer location, with the copy protected content, will take some time. This is the reason for delay when accessing content on a Mac computer.

NOTE: Please understand the “scan” is done only once; the first time the USB is connected to the Mac. Subsequent uses of the Copy Secure in the same Mac computer will not have the same delay.

Nexcopy Inc. | 13 Orchard Road Ste 102 | Lake Forest | CA | 92630 | P: +1 949 481 6479