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nexcopy usb duplicator

CF Duplicator by Nexcopy – New Design, New Release

Press Release:

cf150pc mediumLake Forest, CA — Dec 4, 2012 — Nexcopy Inc., a leading manufacturer in USB Duplicator solutions, announces their all new CF Duplicator system for data loading to Compact Flash cards.
  • CF Duplicator with all new design
  • Deep CF sockets with guilds for easy insert and removal
  • CF Duplicator available in 15, 30 and 45 target systems
  • Powerful duplicator software with many advanced features
  • Unique data may be copied to each card
Nexcopy Inc. is announcing the all new design of our CF duplicator solutions. These robust and reliable CF duplicator systems are available in 15 socket, 30 socket and 45 socket configurations. The new CF Duplicators by Nexcopy are design with functionality and ergonomics in mind. With top loading CF sockets in combination with deep rail guides to easily insert and remove CF media the new system will virtually eliminate bent pins from high volume duplication of CF media. “Coupling the power of Nexcopy’s Drive Manager software and the new CF duplicator design our system can handle any configuration requirement by contract manufacturers or fulfillment houses,” reports Greg Morris, President of Nexcopy. “The system is PC based and provides tools such as duplication from IMG files, unique data streaming to each socket, network connectivity and rich Graphical User Interface for performance feedback and log reporting.” All CF duplicators can copy from an archive IMG file, from a physical master device and include binary bit by bit verification functions.  These systems are ideal for bootable CF cards.  The new CF Duplicators by Nexcopy are available for immediate purchase with a starting price of $1,299 US dollars. Product images for Nexcopy CF Duplicator: CF150PC: CF300PC: CF450PC: CF close-up: Nexcopy’s complete line of USB Duplicators, CF Duplicators, SD Duplicators and microSD Duplicators are available through a world-wide network of authorized resellers.

Nexcopy Inc. | 13 Orchard Road Ste 102 | Lake Forest | CA | 92630 | P: +1 949 481 6479